Cosmetic Business 2021
Lets rethink together and discover our latest innovations in sustainability, post-consumer recyclates, bio-materials, refill solutions, and so much moooooore……
We are excited to see you!

mimosa made in germany
100% Recyclable and Recyclate materials
The powder compacts are made of R-Clear lids and 100% PCR-PP bases (PCR*) to ensure a high level of sustainability.
Both materials are 100% recyclable!
The crystal-clear lids offer wide options for decoration and the PCR bases are available in custom colors.

mimosa meets sulapack
100% Biobased + Biodegradable (acc. to EN 1342 / ASTM D6400)
The Mimosa bases are molded in Sulapac® material, which is made mainly from renewable raw materials:
sustainably sourced wood from industry sidestreams and natural biopolymers*.
The raw material is fully biodegradable, non-toxic, leaves no permanent microplastics, and is recyclable via industrial composting.

Aqua lux 50ml Skincare jar
33% Post-Consumer-Recyclate Glass and 100% PCR PP plastic lid
The Aqua skincare jar combines a 100% PCR PP lid (PCR*) with an up to 33% PCR glass base. The lid contains a PP liner and is therefore 100% mono-material and 100% recyclable.
A sustainable premium packaging consisting of recyclate and being recyclable!